February 7, 2011

montmatre + chez jack

this weekend was a lot of fun :) Saturday i met up with maria, mia, mariana(i have too many friends that start with m's...) and jack in Paris for the afternoon. We just hung out in Montmartre watching street performers around le Sacre-coeur. it was so much fun. I absolutely love this quartier. And Sacre Coeur is just breathtaking as you can see from the photo!
That night we all stayed at Jack's house which was really fun. I just love them all so much. After my exchange i'm going to need lots of money to travel around the world visiting all my friends from this year!!!!!
Anyway, today i was actually pretty productive even though i didn't have school. Well, i slept in which was so nice but then i went on a really long run! i was so proud of myself. I ran around the entire lack behind my house. It was probably only like 4 1/2 miles but still i felt accomplished :) Plus i was absolutely GORGEOUS today. mid 50s and sunny. it was lovely. I felt so good after my run. Also, i started the packing process since i am going to be switching families soon. Didn't get too far, but sorted through most of my things deciding what to keep and what to throw. I have no idea how i accumulated so much stuff in 5 months... it ridiculious. Packing is NOT fun.
Also, i decided to try out my dessert cookbook i got for xmas and so i made creme caramel. It has to stay in the fridge for 24 hours so we will see how it turned out tomorrow.... Well, there you have it :)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like there was also a gorgeous girl enjoying the day.
