September 12, 2010


What a rejuvenating Sunday I had :) woke up at around 10 and had a delicious breakfast- a delicious croissant with Nutella (surprise surprise) and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice! A great way to start the day. After breakfast I was going to go on a run, but it started raining so I worked on my Powerpoint presentation for the Rotary club dinner I have this Thursday. Im pretty much finished so thats good :) At around 4ish, it was finally dry enough to go run, so Amandine and I went on a nice jog around the lake while Patrice rode along side us on the bike. It was really nice to get some fresh air and exercise. Crazy to admit, but I actually missed running.... Later in the evening I skyped with the fam, which I always look forward to. I love hearing how everythings going back at the house and get to talk face to face (i guess it can be considered face to face)! Thank goodness for technology right? :)
Ahhh for dinner tonight we had crêpes! so delicious. I think counting both dinner and dessert I ate about 7 or 8 crêpes haha. granted the dessert ones were small, but still thats a lot! good thing I went running today ;) Anyway, for dinner I had one with ham and cheese and another with shrimp, bacon and cheese. And then for dessert I had some with lemon and sugar, some with nutella, some with chocolate chips and sugar, and some with jam. hahaha. Oh goodness- a lot of food, but so worth it ;) I adore them. and there were extras so i get them for breakfast tomorrow too! yay :) Okay, well i have school bright and early in the morning. Mince! Weekends are too short.... well bonne nuit!
